



​​Project Name ​Samsun 610 MW Combined Cycle Power Plant​
​Total Installed Capacity 610 MW​
​Location Samsun
Fuel type ​Natural Gas
​Number of Units 1×401.33 + 1×208.67
​Main Equipments​ 1  Siemens 8000 H Gas Turbine and Steam Turbine combination, sea water cooling system
​Connection to National Grid ​380 KV
​Commercial Operation Date ​2014
Shareholder Structure ​100% Cengiz Energy Co. ​​

610 MW

Cengiz Energy Co.

​​Project Name ​Samsun 240 MW Combined Cycle Power Plant​
​Total Installed Capacity ​240 MW
Location ​Samsun
Fuel type ​Natural Gas
​Number of Units ​2×100 MW Gas Turbine, 1×40 MW Steam Turbine
​Main Equipments​ 2×100 MW GE LMS 100 Gas Turbines, 1×40 MW Steam Turbine, sea water cooling system
​Connection to National Grid ​154 kV
​Commercial Operation Date ​2010
Shareholder Structure ​ 100% owned by Cengiz Energy Co. ​​

240 MW

Cengiz Energy Co.

​​​​​​Project Name ​Oymapınar Hydroelectrical Power Plant
​Total Installed Capacity ​540 MW
​Location ​Antalya
​Number of Units ​4 X 135 MW
​Main Equipments ​​4 Pcs​
Commercial Operation Date ​1984
Shareholder Structure ​100% Eti Alüminyum A.Ş.

​540 MW

Eti Aluminium Co.

​​​​​​Project Name Beyhan -1 Hydroelectrical Power Plant
​Total Installed Capacity ​582.1 MW
​Location ​Elazığ
​Number of Units ​3×183.5 MW + 1×31.6
​Main Equipments ​​4
Commercial Operation Date ​2015
Shareholder Structure ​C.Energy- Joint Venture (%50)

​582 MW

Cengiz Energy Co.- Joint Venture(%50).

​​​​Project Name Murgul Hydroelectrical Power Plant
​Total Installed Capacity 24.2 MW
​Location ​Artvin
​Main Equipments ​2 x 2.3 + 3 x 6.5  MW Francis Type Turbines
​Commercial Operation Date ​1948 / 2011
Shareholder Structure ​100 % Eti Copper Co.

​25 MW

Eti Copper Co.

​​Project Name ​Fethiye Hydroelectric
​Total Installed Capacity 16.5 MW
​Location Fethiye
​​Number of Units 3×5.5 MW
​Main Equipments​ 3 pcs
​​Commercial Operation Date ​1999
Shareholder Structure %100 Kuzey Birlik Energy Co.

16.5 MW

Kuzey Birlik Energy Co.

​​Project Name Eti Aluminium Co. Cogeneration Plant​
​Total Installed Capacity 12.93 MW​
​Location Konya / Seydişehir
Fuel type ​Natural Gas
​Number of Units 1×12.93 KW
​Main Equipments​ 1x 12.93 KW
​Connection to National Grid ​380 KV
​Commercial Operation Date ​2014
Shareholder Structure ​100% Eti Aluminium Co. ​​

12 MW

Eti Aluminium Co.

117.66 MW

Cengiz Energy Co.

​​Project Name ​Karabiga 1320 MW Coal Fired Power Plant​
​Total Installed Capacity 1320 MW
​Location Çanakkale
Type Ultra Super Critical 
​Fuel type ​Imported Coal
​Number of Units 2×660 MW
​Main Equipments​  Coal Fired Boilers, Steam Turbines, DeSox & DeNox flue gas emission systems, sea water cooling system.
​Connection to National Grid ​380kV
​Commercial Operation Date ​2017 (est.)
Shareholder Structure ​50% by Cengiz Holding Co.. ​​

1.320 MW

Cengiz Energy Co. Joint Venture (%50)


3.463,16 MW